Calculated Values
Calculated Values are added to some questions in the inspection form.
These are values that have been formulated from various external resources to assist inspectors in answering questions.
The feature looks different depending on what mobile app you use on your device: Android or iOS. Let’s look at each in detail.
Calculated Values in the Android App
In the Android Mobile App, where a question has a Calculated Value, a button beside the field is available.
Example of a Field with Calculated Value:
Tap the button to display the Calculated Value details.
Example of Calculated Value page:
You are presented with details of the field:
Agent Value- The existing value that has come from the Insurance Company.
Current Answer - The inspector value. (Blank until you enter/select a value.)
Calculated Value - Value formulated from an external source e.g. an online lookup already performed by Four Site resources.
Accepting The Calculated Value
If your assessment of the property agrees with the Calculated Value, press the ‘Update Answer’ button to insert it into the field:
You are returned to the question page with the value inserted into the field:
In this example, the related Information Source question has been automatically filled in since the external source to retrieve the value was an Online Lookup used by Four Site. Note - Not all fields with the Calculated Value feature will have related/additional questions.
Not Accepting the Calculated Value
If you disagree with the Calculated Value, tap the Back button at the top of the screen to return to the question and enter/select your own answer into the field:
Note: If there are related or additional questions e.g. an Information Source question, you will need to answer it as usual.
Calculated Values in the iOS App
In the iOS Mobile App, if the Calculated Value feature is available on an inspection question then it is displayed within the answer page:
Example of Calculated Value in Answer page:
The Calculated Value is presented as an information section:
If your assessment of the property agrees with the Calculated Value, you should then enter it into the answer box as usual, either type (if it is a number character field) or select it (if it is a selection list):
If you disagree with the Calculated Value, you should enter your own value.