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Viewing and Adding Photographs to an Inspection

To view, add or delete photographs, go into the inspection and tap on the Photos button in the Tab Bar. This will display the Photos page:

The page is split into sections relating to the property, allowing you to either take a photograph or use a photograph from your camera roll and upload it to the relevant section. Some sections only allow you to add 1 photo, while other sections allow a maximum of 5 photo to be added. Some sections also allow you to add notes.

Take Photo

Taking a photo is easy, tap the camera button and the app will present a camera page. Simply tap the photo circle button to take the photo. Options to Retake or Use Photo are displayed. Tap 'Use Photo' to add it to the inspection or, if you're not happy with it, tap 'Retake' to return to the camera page and take the photo again.

Use Photo from Camera Roll

If you already have a photo on your phone then tap the Camera Roll button to present your photo collection. Locate the photo you want and tap to add it to the inspection.

Add Notes

Some sections in the Photos page allow you to add notes. Tap the Notes button to open the Notes page and type :

To return to the Photos page, tap the Policy Number link in the top left of the page:

Delete Photo

To delete a photograph, click on the x button at the top right corner of the image:

A confirm dialog is displayed:

Tap Yes to remove the photo from the inspection, or No to cancel.